Tag Archives: BackTrack

BackTrack 5 R3 Released


Officially released at the BlackHat USA 2012, BackTrack 5 R3 has been finally released to the masses; there’s KDE and GNOME, 32/64 bit ISOs, along with a single VMware Image (Gnome, 32 bit). As the release notes, “for those requiring other VM flavors of BackTrack – building your own VMWare image is easy – instructions can be found in the BackTrack Wiki.”

[0] http://www.backtrack-linux.org/backtrack/backtrack-5-r3-released/

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Social Engineering Toolkit (SET) in Graphical Web

The web interface for the Social-Engineer Toolkit takes whatever you select and generates an answer file that is ultimately placed into set-automate. Each response assigns a given value and the built in intelligence on the back-end parses your responses into building and crafting the attack into SET.

Download Social Engineer Toolkit 3.6:

svn co http://svn.trustedsec.com/social_engineering_toolkit set/

To turn the web interface simply type
